(508) 881-1290

Selim Alptekin, DMD

A perfectionist at heart, and described as being “fussy at what he does,” Dr. Sal vividly remembers his childhood dentist painstakingly fashioning a crown by hand to preserve his baby tooth. ‘Dental care is such a personal and memorable experience’ says Dr. Sal. His dentist’s level of commitment inspired Dr. Sal to choose dentistry as a profession and motivated him to deliver deliberate, attentive care to his patients today.

 Along with his experience, knowledge and skills in Dentistry, his gentle manners, friendly attitude and sensitivity towards people made thousands of patients feel at ease under his thoughtful, professional care. Dr. Sal has been practicing in the Greater Boston area since his graduation. He started Metrowest Dental Care in Sudbury in 2005 and expanded into his Ashland location in 2008. Later On he consolidated the two practices at his current address in Ashland.

Dr. Sal’s contagious excitement and curiosity for advances in Dental Implant care and technologies led to the growth of the Nuarch Implant Teeth Process.

 An avid music lover, a grateful father of five, Dr. Sal currently resides in Shrewsbury, MA.

Dr Alptekins Chao Pinhole Surgical Award

Dr. Sal’s contagious excitement and curiosity for advances in Dental Implant care and technologies led to the growth of the Nuarch Implant Teeth Process.

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